Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fat Cat

This is our beloved 17 pound cat, Allie.
The vet has recommended restricted feeding.
Here are her "before" pictures.


susan said...

Hello Bethany...I found your blog thru mumof3...she's commented on mine and is a friend of Miss...
I had a quick look at your entries as you said you were new at blogging, me too. Your shots are amazing!! Are you on Redbubble?? I am and so is Melissa...if you want to check it out its or you can go to my blog and I have a link...I think you really I said your shots are GREAT :) I'm adding you to my favs so I'll be checking in sometimes... :)

momof3 said...

I love the fat cat pics:) I think it's amazing how fat cats can get I really have seen some big ones and they look so cute...even though I suppose they're not healthy they're still cute!