Sunday, June 22, 2008

Corn Palace

Day 1 of our great adventure. Lots of driving. We visited the world's one and only corn palace today. Here is Mr. C as an ear of corn.


susan said...

Corn Palace???? I think I need more of the story behind this picture...I love sounds like a fun place :)

Bethany said...

It is a building in Mitchell South Dakota that is decorated each year with various crops of the area (with one of them being numerous types/colors of corn). It started back in 1892. Here is some more I found on the internet... "Early settlers displayed the fruits of their harvest on the building exterior in order to prove the fertility of South Dakota soil. The exterior decorations are completely stripped down and new murals are created each year. New materials are applied to the building with each mural depicting an important facet of the lifestyle of South Dakota. These murals require thousands of bushels of corn, grain, grasses, wild oats, brome grass, blue grass, rye, straw and wheat each year."
We got some popcorn as a snack and it was a nice place to stop during our travels. Sort of a weird touristy thing, but I remember visiting it as a kid and now my boys can say they have visited it as well. :)

momof3 said...

I've heard of the famous corn palace:) cute picture I hope your summer is wonderful and TAG you're it go read my blog and copy and paste the info and fill in your own answers:)